Sunday, February 5, 2012

Moving In

Sixteen months ago I joined the fastest-growing category of first-time homeowners: the single female. Young, professional women like myself are leaping into the housing market with enthusiasm, taking advantage of one of the best times in recent history to buy our first homes. And looking back, I can easily say that buying was one of the best decisions I've made in my adult life.

I had been renting, with and without roommates since college, but decided now was a good time to make the big purchase.  Everything just kind of fell into place. Funny how that seems to happen over and over again when we are ready for an opportunity.  There is a route that I used to walk my dog almost every day. This daily ritual took us past a rambler that was being fixed up. Each day, little by little, I saw the house being transformed.  One day in late September 2010, as I was passing by, I saw the owner working outside.  I casually asked him if he was getting ready to move in. He said no, that he was getting the house ready to sell.  He asked if I was interested. After replying with a hesitant "maybe", he gave me a quick tour.  I immediately became very interested and a few days later brought my dad along for a second viewing.  A trip to the bank, followed by meeting with a lawyer culminated with an offer and acceptance in on November.  Just like that, I was a new homeowner.

Much of my new home had been redone - new floors, kitchen, bathroom - but there was still plenty of changes I wanted to make. Many rooms had 1970's wood paneling - not the look and feel I wanted to keep.  Also, the yard and exterior of the house needed some TLC. I knew right away that the immediate future would be filled with "sweat equity."  Nonetheless, excitement rather than dread was my overall outlook. 

My hope for this blog is to inspire and assist other new homeowners like me.  I will  show you how my house has changed since I purchased it, as well as provide helpful and inexpensive decorating tips to make to make your home sparkle.  I believe that homeownership can serve as a springboard of creativity. To that end, I will share with you unique and exciting ways I have made my home a personal reflection of my style. Lastly, I will share lessons I have learned from being a single female homeowner, and hopefully answer your questions on how to navigate the murky waters of home improvement, home financing, and home decorating.

Home ownership should be fun - join me on my journey and we can have fun together!


  1. And we are SO glad you are our new neighbor--even though I haven't even seen the inside yet. What a bad neighbor am I!!! Yikes! SO nice to look out and see a cute house and a great yard instead of the pile of junk that used to be there! Great idea for a blog!

  2. Thanks Cara! I love when Markus yells "hi Kari" over the fence :) Yes, when the snow clears and it warms up, you'll have to stop over and see the inside.
