Saturday, February 11, 2012

Sewing...a Lost Art?

New homeowners are always budget-conscious.  One way to get the look you want at an affordable price is to create it yourself.   When I first moved in to my new home I noticed quite a few “naked” windows that needed some “dressing”.  But, considering my budget, I had to think about how I was going to make this happen.  And then inspiration hit me.  I dusted off my sewing machine, bought some fabric and made the curtains all by myself.   I really like the look of soft, flowing curtains so I took inspiration from Pottery Barn  for the style and fabric color to get the look I wanted.  From there I got to work measuring, cutting and assembling.    

When I was a little girl I remember sitting beneath the table as my mom sewed.  I loved the sound of the motor and I enjoyed watching her foot run the pedal.  However, sewing didn’t actually start for me until college when I learned the basics in a course called “Apparel Construction”.   I discovered I had a knack for sewing and started to enjoy creating many different items.  Some items could be worn (i.e. a Halloween costume) and some were for everyday use (i.e. tote bags for grocery shopping).  

On my refurbished Kenmore, I’ve sewn throw pillows and bags of various sizes, but after becoming a homeowner the potential of sewing became clear to me.  I have been able to create all of my window treatments for a fraction of the cost of buying them.

The art and skill of sewing may be a thing of the past, but I believe that more people are beginning to look at what they can make themselves.  With the online craze of Pinterest and Etsy, as well as the increase in “how to” shows on HGTV and the DIY networks, people are now exploring creative ways to update their homes themselves, resulting in huge cost-savings.  If you do not own your own sewing machine and would like to start trying to create your own projects, I would encourage you to look on Craigslist which offers reasonable deals on used sewing machines, or check out sewing repair shops for refurbished models.

Living room

My bedroom 

Both of the curtains in these two rooms were hung with curtain clips on a rod.  I like to use clips because I think the curtains slide easier – and I like the overall look.  Clips can be purchased at Target 


Hung on a Café Rod, purchased at Target

Besides the low cost, some additional benefits of making window treatments yourself:
  • Able to dress a custom sized window
  • Can choose from a large variety of inexpensive fabrics and patterns
  • Because of the low cost, you can change them with the seasons if you would like (i.e. darker fabrics in the winter, lighter fabrics in the summer)
  • Can be proud of the work you put into something and see it everyday!
  • Best of all: They are individually made, so you won’t have the same window treatments as your friend down the street